What the hell? Enterprise is the best Star Trek show since TOS!!! I mean TNG should've been called Star Trek Boring Fanatic Righteousness. Voyager was for the most part boring. The only spin-off that was actually good was DS9 and the first 3 seasons mostly sucked. Sure some of the most recent episodes (Deadalus and Observer Effect) were really bad but for the most part Enterprise has been one of the best sci-fi shows out there. In fact the only sci-fi shows i can think of as better than ST:ENT in recent years are Stargate and Farscape. The later is already dead while the former probably won't last more than another season (Season 9).
Back to my initial question: WHAT THE HELL??? I like others must blame this on UPN and Paramount for moving the show to the Friday night slot (the infamous “Kill a show slot"). Maybe we can still save it.