My motherboard decided to die on me so I was left without my desktop PC. No biggie, I still had my laptop. Unfortunately, its hard drive had other plans. Oh well, I still have access to various computers both at Chefax and at FEUP. And one thing all those computers have in common: USB ports for me to plug my pen drive. I don't just carry data in it:
- Portable Firefox (with all the extensions I use) & Thunderbird
- Putty (Chefax Mirror)
- Real VNC
- Winpcap & Python installer for windows (linux usually has python installed)
- etc
Due to a rather uninteresting chain of events my pen drive was missing a key file - my keys file. I have a different password for every account I have (gmail, hotmail, blogger, etc) and while they are all cool, I change most of them before I can remember them. I use