Jon Stewart on Crossfire - get it via Bittorrent or IFILM. The following Daily Show (IFILM) and some sort of response from the crossfire guys. The Bowtie journalist (as I will hence-forth refer to Tucker Carlson) was stupid enough to try to make fun of a professional comedian (the best since Jerry Seinfeld retired). The result? He made an ass of himself on international TV.
Jabber for MSN messenger. How nice considering that Relax just got the jabber server up @chefax he has also been experimenting with wikis. Wikis are overused and abused; their default UIs (which most people don't change) are not only ugly it's also BAD (for the use that they are given). Stop you are hurting the web. That doesn't mean that I hate wikis. I like wikis. Wikipedia rules (favorite definition).
Speaking of Relax, if it hadn’t been for him I would've never realized that the porn community (???) is an early adopter of social technologies. But before we go any deeper (no pun intended) into that subject, I would like to link to this blog.
I finally saw I, Robot - best movie I've seen in a couple of years (at least). I only read Asimov's Foundation books which are the best sci-fi books in my library. I regret not having read the others. It now feels kind of heretic being interested in AI (and related subjects) and not having read Asimov's classic science fiction books on the subject.