30 January 2005

The Wait

Bored to death waiting for AS to reset I saw a few funny things around the web:
This Online Kinky Test - a vampire?!? 218 is kinda low score but i'm still young ;)
hehehe good work guys.
And if you're portuguese you might find this funny too.
And while we're on the topic:

In October 2004 it was discovered by MaxPatrol team that it is possible to defeat Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 Heap protection and Data Execution Prevention mechanism.

Haven't read it yet tough.

10 January 2005


Cringley just put up his 2005 predictions along with his comments on his 2004 predictions... Here's what I had to say back then about his predictions (2004 slashdot post) - my accuracy was 100% :P. I'm not going to bother this year...
PS: For all who predicted I'd be back playing AS in no time: you're right... what can I say? I'm addicted to it.

05 January 2005

After the coma

It happened almost two weeks ago (I think). Archspace was no longer being fun and I have exams now (January and February) so I made the decision to retire. It was the night before Christmas... hum... no it was a few days after that but it was late, 4am or something so I was confused... Anyway the game itself was and still is fun but the thing is: I play to win. If I can't win the game just isn't fun. And the thing about AS is it's a team game as you might have guessed if you read my previous post on the subject. Without team-playing it's no fun and off course, you can't win. That's double no-fun!!! The level of coordination was just too low - people went AWOL in the middle of wars, failed to show up for planned wars and so on... but those are not huge problems - yeah it sucks but the game went on. However, if you want to win and in those circumstances winning meant defeating the nÂș1 council you actually need SOME coordination and preparation - there was little of that :(. Anyway, kudos to my council speaker Nimlot he was the most reliable member of the council. I'm not sure if i'm going to play next set, it all depends: I'll have a lot more work than I've had so far and therefore a lot less free time. Even if I do find the time I'm not sure I'll play again - not unless I can solve the coordination problems or they solve themselves (yeah right! Problems solving themselves... doesn't happen often unfortunately).
Now that I'm out of AS I've been doing other stuff - catching up with the news (you know there was like this huge tsunami thing in Asia?), watching episodes from a few series and a few other things like studying and stuff. I imagine it's quite like waking up from a coma: you realize that the world around you has changed and you have a huge list of things to do - like installing that new hard drive you got for your birthday... ;)